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Release Em’ or Eat Em’ – It’s Up To You!

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Fishing is going strong throughout the southeast with people fishing and catching everywhere. That’s a good thing. Enjoying the outdoors and especially a little fishing is fun anytime, but especially now when most of us would like a distraction from things going on in the world. Fishing is an outstanding way to break away from things that concern you. When you’re near the water waiting for a fish to bite, it’s easier to feel better and it usually takes your mind off your problems at least for awhile.releasing-snook3

Fishing is a great way to put some of life’s tribulations on hold and a good way to put a tasty meal on the table. People fish for different reasons some for the fun of catching, a few others for dinner, and many for both.

In the past few years the concept of catch and release has become very prominent throughout the fishing world. Catch and release is a great idea because you’re actually recycling fish and people seem to relish the thought of putting them back alive. You catch a fish, then you give someone else a chance to catch that fish. That’s a pretty good deal, and it’s evident that catch and release has improved our fisheries.

However, there are always those who take everything to the extreme. Certain groups and anglers feel that every fish caught should be released. It’s important to remember that catch and release is an option. If you want to put em’ back, that’s great, if you want to keep a few for dinner that’s also ok. There’s nothing wrong with keeping a few fish for the table but there’s no advantage to loading the freezer. Fish always taste better when their fresh, but once they become freezer burned they ruined. When fish are kept in the freezer they loose that wonderful fresh fish taste and wind up in the garbage.

Progressive fish management regulations, mostly slot limits and closed seasons, have created outstanding fisheries throughout the country. Slot limits are simply limits where fish within a certain size “slot” must be released.

The fish are biting. So, if you want to put your catch back, good for you. But if you want to keep a few, don’t hesitate to enjoy a fresh fish dinner.

This article is owned by Capt. Woody Gore and is copyright protected. Permission to republish this article in print or online must be granted by Capt. Gore. wgore@ix.netcom.com
