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Take Better Photographs

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Have you ever wondered how those incredible fishing photos wind up on the covers of your favorite magazines? Many times it’s an element of luck, being in the right place at the right time. However when it comes to experienced photographers they are prepared, ready and leave nothing to chance when it comes to capturing the perfect shot._mg_1857

In the same way you don’t have to be a photography expert to take premium pictures, but some pointers might help you capture some really nice photographs. However, there are no guarantees that your pictures will become cover shots but at least you can create a great looking outdoor photo collection.

Digital – the newest trend: A digital camera offers several advantages over film and thanks to technological advances the images taken with digital cameras have remarkably good quality. Shooting with digital, means you can instantly view the images and reshoot if necessary, you can edit your digital images and file them without any processing costs, and you have the option of storing your pictures electronically and sharing them online with friends and family.

Here are some things you should keep in mind when choosing digital for your picture taking. The shooting rate is typically slower than that of traditional cameras, causing a slight delay before the image is actually captured. Always getting better, higher-end cameras have eliminated this delay and are just as fast as film. Purchase extra memory cards, just as you would extra rolls of film if you plan on taking a lot of pictures. Since liquid crystal displays (LCD) features on digital models tend to eat up battery power so plan on taking some having extra batteries.

Some digital camera offers the option of using creative filters on the lens. One filter you should have is called a “polarizing filter used to cut down on sun glare. These act like sunglasses for your camera and greatly diminish the negative effects of glare.

Whether you use a digital or film camera the following guidelines apply.

Know the background: Be conscious of the background in any photograph. When people look at your photo, you want them to focus on the subject or fish, not rods and reels, tackle boxes, or chum buckets in the background. Many amazing photos can be ruined because you neglected to compose your shot. Also be aware of objects that can negatively affect the overall image like shadows or facing the sun.

Another angle or point of view: Should I take the photo horizontally or vertically? Before you snap the shot decide whether the image would look better horizontally or vertically. Scenic or panoramic views are usually better horizontal photos, others like an angler standing with a fishing rod and fish are better taken vertically.

Use your imagination and vary your shooting positions to add variety and creativity to your pictures. Taking pictures from different angles or levels can make your photos more interesting. Your techniques should always enhance your picture not misrepresent it.

Got to have light: On sunny days you generally you won’t need a flash. However, if overcast or low-light conditions exist, use a “fill flash” to ensure your shots obtain sufficient exposure. Most cameras have built-in or accessory flashes that reduce mid-day shadows, often cast by a hat or cap.

Avoid staged photos: Images should look like they were captured on the spur of the moment. A guaranteed way of producing a photo that looks staged is having the subject stare at the camera lens. Some really great photos happen when the subject appears oblivious they were being photographed. It’s important to have the angler focusing somewhere else (like at the fish they just caught) and not the camera. If it’s a fish have them look it right in the eye and flash big grin or smile.

Action shots are better: There’s nothing like an action shot to convey the true excitement of the moment. When fishing try taking candid shots of an angler with the rod bent while fighting a nice fish and try to capture the look of concentration and determination on their face. Once the fish is landed be ready to snap a couple of shots of the angler holding the freshly caught fish. There is one shot that’s always a winner and that’s releasing a fish. Get into position to take advantage of someone leaning over the side releasing the fish.

Clothing makes a character colorful: Avoid colors like blue, green or white especially on the upper body as these tend to get lost against the primarily blue and white backdrop of the water, sky and clouds. Clothing in red, yellow or purple is best and can inject a blast of color into your shots and enhance any photo.

Never photograph dead fish: If you want a terrible photo take a shot of a lifeless and drab fish. Fish loose their colors just moments after being caught so the best time to snap the photo is immediately after the fish is landed. This way, you’ll capture colors, capture the genuine expressions of happiness and excitement on the anglers face, and end up with a more appealing image.

Only fish or specific subject: If you want to snap a few shots of your fish by its self, that’s ok. However, focus the shot on a particular feature of section of the fish that characterizes its species or stands out as particularly prominent. For instance, you may want to focus on the teeth of a mackerel or sheepshead, the distinguishing protruding lower jaw of a snook, or the multiple spots on a redfish.

Nighttime is for sleeping: However, if you will be taking photos at night you should use high-speed film like 400 or 800 or night settings on your digital. Also be sure to use either an internal or external flash. When taking pictures of people at night, you’ll want to guard against red-eye and many cameras have built-in red-eye reduction features.

Use these guidelines and see you photographs improve.

This article is owned by Capt. Woody Gore and is copyright protected. Permission to republish this article in print or online must be granted by Capt. Gore. wgore@ix.netcom.com
