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Tampa Bay Fishing Report June 2011

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Redfish   June produces some good redfish days around the flats of Tampa Bay. The Kitchen, Simmons Park and Joe Island offer great starting points. Cockroach Bay, Simmons Park, Bishops Harbor, Ft. Desoto, Miguel Bay, Terra Ceia Bay, and Pinellas Point Flats also produce good catches. Heavy pushes and mullet schools are key factors in finding feeding redfish. Finding redfish means covering lots of water and once located they do not venture too far if there is food present. Bear in mind as long as there is food there is fish. Live greenbacks, dollar-size pinfish and cut bait work and are good choices. Do not forget the old standby… live shrimp.

Spotted Sea Trout  Trout fishing continues remaining strong through the summer. Search out deep grass flats looking for grass beds with plenty of broken bottom or potholes. Tampa Bay offers good fishing, so check areas like the Pinellas Flats, Veterans Flats, Joes Island, Bishops Harbor, Piney Point, Culbreath and Cockroach using live shrimp and greenbacks free lining or under popping corks. The many broken-bottom flats with potholes produce large fish and an occasional flounder.

Cobia Markers and sandy flats are good places for Cobia. They frequent markers especially those holding bait and also cruise the flats usually following a large Stingrays. When fishing markers, keeping a chum bag over the side should bring them running not to mention large Spanish mackerel filling the bay this month.

Tarpon Tarpon fishing really comes alive in June. They are everywhere and they are hungry, from the beach to the bay, these fish offer the catch of a lifetime. Large Greenbacks, Threadfins, and crabs, found abundantly in the bay, are excellent choices for bait. Tarpon fishing around the Tampa area is good through the summer from the beaches all the way to the causeway. If you are into night fishing almost any bridge holds fish along the light-line however, landing one presents another challenge especially at night.

Snook (Season closed)Snook fishing in the summer is almost a given. Practically every angler is looking to catch them and given the amount of fishing pressure especially during weekends it is a wonder they bite at all. Practically any mangrove shoreline holds snook provided there is bait and structure. Terrific ambush feeders Snook lie in wait along shady mangrove root systems. Rocky shores and adjacent sand bars are also good places to investigate when looking for snook. Early morning flats produce well using topwater lures and live greenbacks always produce.

“Give Me a Call & Let’s Go Fishing” Captain Woody Gore is the area’s top outdoor fishing guide. Guiding and fishing the Tampa, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, Tarpon Springs, Bradenton, and Sarasota areas for over fifty years; he offers world class fishing adventures and a lifetime of memories.

Single or Multi-boat Group Charters are all the same. With years of organizational experience and access to the areas most experienced captains, Woody can arrange and coordinate any outing or tournament. Just tell him what you need and it’s done.  Visit his website at: WWW.CAPTAINWOODYGORE.COM, send an email to wgore@ix.netcom.com or give him a call at 813-477-3814.
