
Capt. Woody’s Cobia w/ Blue Crabmeat

Archived in the category: Fishing Recipes
Posted by: Captain Woody - Comments Off on Capt. Woody’s Cobia w/ Blue Crabmeat

Makes: 8 Servings

Prep Time: 45 Minutes.

Cook Time: 2 Hours

Ready In: 2 Hours 45 Min.

Ingredients: 4 pounds of Cobia 2 pounds of Blue Crab Claw Meat

1 cup of Flour ¼ cup virgin olive oil

3 cloves of garlic 2 sweet onions

1 green bell pepper 1 yellow bell pepper

1 bay leaf 1 lemon

2 15 oz. can of diced tomato’s 2 15 oz cans of tomato sauce

1 15 oz can of tomato’s & green chilies 1 small can tomato paste

Dash of lemon pepper, basil, parsley, cayenne, salt and black pepper

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Remove bloodlines and red meat from the fish, use white meat only. In a large pan, heat olive oil, add flour and brown lightly. Crush garlic, cut the onion and bell peppers into medium pieces and saute for one to two minutes. Add the cans tomato, tomato sauce and chilies and simmer for 5 minutes adding and mixing the bay leaf, basil, lemon pepper, parsley, cayenne, salt and black pepper. Remove from heat and set aside. In large baking pan, coat the bottom with butter and add the fish, top with the sauce. Now add the crab meat pushing it lightly about ½ below the sauce. Place 4-5 lemon slices on top of the fish and bake covered for approximately 2 hours at 325 degrees. Serve over a bed of yellow rice.
