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Fishing It’s Just Not That Difficult or Expensive

For years I liked fishing, because I thought it gave some greater significance and importance to the “meaning of life”. As I grew older, I discovered it’s probably the one thing I do that really doesn’t.

Going fishing and catching a few fish does not have to be difficult or expensive, but it should be fun, relaxing and a good time. Too often folks make it more than it really is, especially where children are concerned. Many times folks would like to begin fishing or introduce their children to this awesome recreational pastime. But the question comes down to where do I start? Granted there are advanced techniques that enable us to catch more fish. But remember, fishing doesn’t need to be difficult and it sure doesn’t need to be expensive.

For example, every week folks watch their favorite anglers catching fish after fish on television. well let me explain how this works. Quite often what you’re seeing sometimes takes days or weeks of camera time to put together a tape for television. It’s not often TV cowboys fishing from hundred thousand dollar fishing boats, rigged with the latest electronics, tackle, and equipment can make it happen in one trip. Unless they are fishing from a privately stocked reservoir lake in Florida. Now don’t get me wrong these folks can fish and often put on an entertaining show that’s fun to watch. But that’s not what the average person, with his son or daughter, needs to start fishing.

Listen up my friend and read on. Most of those television show cowboys and girls are fishing from sponsored boats using sponsored equipment and tackle. The other scenario is; those young anglers in those expensive flats boats or bass boats are fishing off Daddy’s dime, or sponsorship money, because they’re not old enough to have that kind of money.

And while it would be nice, you do not need a $60 or $100 thousand dollar boat and $1,200 worth of tackle to catch fish; you can do it with a $5.00 cane pole, piece of monofilament fishing line, split shot sinker, hook, and a can of wigglers or a $29 rod and reel combination.

Remember, fishing can be as simple or difficult as you make it; so don’t let anyone tell you to spend a fortune on equipment to go fishing. You can start out with basic stuff and catch plenty of fish. Then after you discover the joy and relaxation that comes from just going fishing, it’s up to you how much you spend on equipment. If your interest grows you can always learn more by attending local fishing seminars, reading free publication or hiring a professional fishing guide to teach you. However, when hiring a guide make sure they are willing to teach. You’ve already caught few fish now you want to pay someone to improve your skill and knowledge, so be certain you make that clear when hiring your guide.

I’ve been fishing the Tampa Bay area since around age 4 and believe me I’ve got a lot of fishing gear, and much of it high tech stuff. Even with the latest and greatest, I know I can still catch fish with only basic gear and often still enjoy using a cane pole to fish for blue gills, shellcrackers and speckled perch/crappie.

However, when using my high tech rod and reel, in my simple mind I pretend it gives me an advantage. Then occasionally, when my confidence level soars to a feeling of superiority over this simple pea brained size adversary, they quickly settle me back into reality. Never the less, I’ve never gone fishing that I did not return happy, relaxed, and ready to go again. Give Me a Call & Let’s Go Fishing

Captain Woody Gore is the area’s top outdoor fishing guide. Guiding and fishing the Tampa, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, Tarpon Springs, Bradenton, and Sarasota areas for over fifty years; he offers world class fishing adventures and a lifetime of memories.

Single or Multi-boat Group Charters are all the same. With years of organizational experience and access to the areas most experienced captains, Woody can arrange and coordinate any outing or tournament. Just tell him what you need and it’s done.  Visit his website at: WWW.CAPTAINWOODYGORE.COM, send an email to wgore@ix.netcom.com or give him a call at 813-477-3814.
