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Spring Is Here and Great Fishing

Archived in the category: Fishing Reports
Posted by: Captain Woody - Comments Off on Spring Is Here and Great Fishing

We have been fishing every day and haven’t had a minute to write reports, but I wanted to update my customers.  The fishing has been great, but getting bait has been a little tough.  I like to load the boat with live bait to get my customers the ultimate edge over other charters in the area and some days we are getting them in one throw of the cast and other days we are really having to work for them by covering a lot of ground.

When we have the bait the fish have really been cooperating and I have had the opportunity to put my customers on some awesome fish any many first.  I truly enjoy and am very passionate about my guide service and with customers like I have had lately, it is an absolute pleasure.

Call me to plan a fishing adventure!

Captain Woody Gore
Tampa Bay Fishing Guide

Here are some tampa fishing pictures :







