
Snook Season Update

Archived in the category: Fishing Reports
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Snook (Season Closed) Snook fishing in the winter is usually fairly slow given low water temperatures. Practically every angler is still looking to catch them and given the amount of fishing pressure especially during weekends it’s a wonder they bite at all. Almost any mangrove shoreline holds snook provided there is bait and structure, but during the winter they’re mainly trying to stay warm.


Terrific ambush feeders they love lying in wait along shady mangrove root systems. Rocky shores and adjacent sand bars are also good places to investigate. When the water temperatures get back up to normal early morning broken bottom grass flats produce using topwater lures and soft plastic jerk baits, but remember live pilchards always seem to do the trick.

Redfish Winter produces some decent redfish days around the grass flats and oyster bars. Heavy pushes and mullet schools are key factors in finding feeding redfish. Finding redfish means covering plenty of water, but once located they do not venture too far if there is food present. Keep in mind as long as there is food there is fish.


Although with the weekend fishing pressure, once a school is located it seems the general practice of most recreational anglers is pursuing the school up and down the grass flats. Sometimes there will be 10 to 20 boats hot on the trail of a school. Little do they understand if they stop chasing the fish will stop?  Live greenbacks and dollar-size pinfish are good choices. Do not forget the old standby… live shrimp and cut pin and ladyfish.

Spotted Sea Trout fishing remains strong through the winter. Search deeper grass flats looking for broken bottom or potholes. Tampa Bay offers good fishing areas using live shrimp and pilchards free lined or under popping corks. The broken-bottom flats often produce large fish and flounder. We’re also catching plenty of silver trout some up to two pounds. These are great eating and awesome fun for the kids.


Cobia/Sharks Power plants, markers and sandy flats are producing for Cobia. They frequent markers especially those holding bait and cruising the flats usually following manatees or rays. Sharks are all over the hot water discharges at the power plants.


Sheepshead and Pompano we’re catching some sheepshead on rock piles located throughout the bay and around the bridges and docks. Occasionally, we’ll pick up some pompano at one of the power plants hot water discharges.


