
Temperatures Control Comfort Levels

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Comfort is paramount to all species and water temperature is a major factor because of its governing effect on bodily functions.

Ever questioned why some fish congregate in a particular area one day and completely disappear, the next? There could be different reasons why fish relocate, but the most overlooked is probably water temperature. Whereas almost all fish are cold-blooded, weather and water temperature are a controlling factors in where you find them. Every species has a temperature range they tolerate better than others and within that range there is comfort zone where they’re most comfortable.

Every species has a preferred temperature range and are most active within that range. When temperatures exceed or drop below a species’ particular range, they often become non-responsive and lethargic. Learning the tolerances of those species you go a long way toward helping you choose the right location, time of day, and if fishing the right baits and lures.

For example, water temperatures dropping in the low 60’s puts Spotted Sea Trout in high spirits, but becomes very perplexing to Snook, Redfish, and Tarpon. On the other hand, temperature in the 80’s are fine for Snook, but in the high 80’s Redfish, Tarpon and particularly Sea Trout start getting a little uncomfortable. When water temperatures reach into the 90’s as is often the case inTampaBaystart looking for deeper cooler waters.

How fish react to today’s temperature often depends on yesterday’s temperature and even some days before. Gradual temperature changes over several days or weeks have different effects as opposed to rapid temperature changes. Slower changes usually result in better long-term fishing, while rapid changes sometimes motivate only a strong short-term feeding rush.

With clear skies and hot summer days the suns thermal energy quickly penetrates shallow water allowing dark and grassy bottoms to become warmer than the white sandy ones. The difference between dark and white bottoms may only be one or two degrees but it can make a difference when you’re looking for happy fish. Inexpensive sinking swimming pool thermometers are available for use in finding the different ranges at different levels.
